How Intake Works…
Beginning Monday, October 4, 2021 Dallas LIFE new resident intake will take place from 10am-2pm Monday through Friday for 10 new guests/families on a first come, first serve basis. No appointment is needed! You are welcome to arrive before 10am as we have a Welcome Center you can wait in for intake to start. You must have ID and documents and a covid test will be done on site and must be negative for you to proceed with our intake process.
You can call 214-421-1380 and speak to Anna at Ext. 1016. We must take this action to protect our men, women, children & seniors who reside at Dallas LIFE. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Dallas LIFE Residents:
Dallas LIFE residents were given a 14-day quarantine off-site. During that time our building was professionally cleaned and sanitized.
Cleanliness is priority now more than ever. We have hand sanitizer stationed throughout our building and emphasizing hand washing regularly with all of our residents. Masks are made available to all of our residents.
We are encouraging residents to stay on our property when they can, not gather in groups other than family units and take all possible measures to stay clean and safe. We have everyone stay at least 6ft. apart even during meals and sleeping in dorm beds.
Educational information about stopping the spread of germs and how to be safe has been distributed to our entire population and posted throughout the building.
Volunteers can now return for meal prep and serving, chapel speakers, donation sorting in limited numbers. Volunteers who come to Dallas LIFE must wear a face mask, will get a simple health screening and they will have their temperature taken.
Other volunteer positions are still suspended at this time. This includes mentors, intake, childcare volunteers and court ordered community service volunteers.
Please contact Pamela Culbertson, Director of Volunteers with any questions.
You Can Help!
1) Please pray for the safety of our staff, volunteers and each homeless guest who comes to Dallas LIFE everyday.
2) Would you consider donating today to help us meet the growing needs of our homeless population?
It costs Dallas LIFE $29.75 to provide the shelter & care
for 1 person for 24 hours at Dallas LIFE
which includes meals, lodging, medical, dental, vision,
counseling, clothing and even toiletries and laundry soap.
Like you, Dallas LIFE is closely monitoring the evolving Coronavirus situation and following guidance from our Medical Director, the CDC & Dallas County Health & Human Services.
The safety of the homeless men, women & children who stay with us is our #1 priority. We are taking every precaution necessary to protect our residents, staff & volunteers.
Thank you for understanding these necessary steps as we seek to make wise decisions for health and safety. if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
214-421-1380 x1016
214-421-1380 x1030