Place To Stay

A Place to Begin Again

We are here to help you regroup, refocus, and re-establish your life…

The 3 ways to become a resident at Dallas LIFE:

Anyone receiving Social Security or disability benefits must pay $15 per night, even if participating in Homeless No More or Overcomers program.


  • $15 per night to stay at Dallas LIFE.
  • Your first 3 days are free of charge.

Homeless No More /Overcomers

As a Homeless No More Program or Overcomers Program resident – participate in our 10-month recovery program where you will work part of the day and attend classes. For the first month you are not allowed to leave the property. In the third month you will begin to look for work. In the final phase we will help place you in affordable housing. Your first 3 days are free of charge.

What to Do Next…

If you would like to know more about staying at Dallas LIFE, you should call us at 214.421.1380. You will talk to someone who can tell you about our basic requirements, and what you need to bring with you.

Important things to know before your arrival:

• Dallas LIFE is not a domestic violence shelter.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, we can provide names of shelters for you to contact.

• You cannot stay at Dallas LIFE if you:

– Have an assault charge, sex crime, heinous crime(arson, injury to a child, etc.)

– Have protective orders on your record.

• Dallas LIFE will not accept men on parole

How Intake Works…

#DallasLIFE is accepting walk-up homeless guests without an appointment! Intake is 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Monday – Friday but you can show up earlier than 10am and reserve your spot in our brand new Welcome Center! Through intake, our facility currently accepts 10 new individuals or family units per day. A Covid test will be administered upon arrival and must be negative for someone to stay with us. Masks are required for unvaccinated people!

You must have ID and documents and a covid test will be done on site and must be negative for you to proceed with our intake process.

You can call 214-421-1380 and speak to Anna at Ext. 1016. We must take this action to protect our men, women, children & seniors who reside at Dallas LIFE. We apologize for this inconvenience.


Requirements at Intake:

• Government-issued ID

(drivers license, military ID, jail ID, etc.).

• Social Security Card

If you do not have one, you must apply for one during your first 3 days.

• Marriage License (if applicable)

Married couples must have a marriage license• Children’s Birth Cirtificates

Children must have birth certificate, Social Security card and immunization record

• Belongings

Every person can bring 1, 13 gallon bag. Belongings must fit into our Pest Control Box for cleanliness standards.


Stories From Our Graduates



Johnny and his wife hit hard times and found themselves at Dallas LIFE after drugs and other things made paying bills difficult.