Fromthe Desk of Bob Sweeney

Thanks for taking a minute to learn about the ministries of the Dallas LIFE. Here at Dallas LIFE we seek to enhance the lives of those who come to us for help by providing them food, clothing, shelter and education in the name of Jesus Christ. For nearly 60 years, homeless and needy people in the Metroplex have come to know that this is the place where a kind word and an encouraging smile go a long way toward changing a life.

We want to offer a hand up, blessing those who come to us for help. We avoid just giving hand outs, because as we see it, to offer that will just result in the same person returning again and again for the same thing. Our long term program offers people a chance to break that cycle of homelessness by helping them realize how attitude, family history or lack of accountability could have helped put them in the situation they find themselves. This level of accountability is resulting in graduates who see themselves as responsible for their actions and needing to contribute to a society that demands involvement and personal awareness. It is thrilling to see a person really “get it” for the first time while staying with us.

I am personally challenged every day to see that this success continues. It is our prayer that when you think of visiting, volunteering at or contributing to our efforts that you know how seriously we take this responsibility. It is our daily goal to minister to these who have fallen through the cracks while providing them with viable options to set a course of success and empowerment. Thanks again for visiting our web site and I pray you have a wonderful day!

  • God Bless,
  • Bob Sweeney
  • Executive Director